Constructability, a term used in the construction industry and not fully understood, is the integration of construction expertise and knowledge into the design phase or preconstruction of a project. In order for clients to make critical decisions about a project, accurate and reliable information is essential in the earliest stages of project planning. A constructability review is intended to improve project quality, minimize potential change orders during construction, keep the project on schedule, and provide a buildable and biddable construction bid package.
Throughout Engelberth Construction’s comprehensive preconstruction process, our team, including in-house site, mechanical and electrical specialist review drawings for gaps, duplications or conflicting information. Our goal is to minimize all conflicts and confusion to ensure our clients are receiving the best possible subcontractor and vendor pricing and quality construction for their money. If we recognize an issue during our estimating process, you can bet that a bidder will have the same concern. Collaboratively we work with the design team to resolve issues and finalize drawings and specifications that make for clear and concise bid packages. We also use this opportunity to recognize and mitigate any project challenges that could potentially develop into issues during construction.
Engelberth’s meticulous constructability review process results in greater subcontractor coverage, lower overall project costs, a significant reduction in change orders, added long term value and in the end, a higher quality project.