Successful Project Scheduling

TIME IS MONEY. Production, operation, carrying costs, etc. You name it – we get it.
Engelberth Construction has a solid reputation for successfully completing fast-track projects that others have deemed impossible. Detailed resource and cost loaded schedules, comprehensive planning and coordination, subcontractor selection, long lead item identification, etc., are all important pieces in achieving your scheduling goals and are the strengths of our preconstruction team.
Managing the schedule once the project is underway, is the one of our construction teams’ assets. The “Master Schedule”, is maintained on a daily basis. One of the most successful tools our veteran project teams utilize is a “Two-Week Look Ahead Schedule”. This is a detailed outline of the Master Schedule of what’s happening day to day, and in certain cases, hour by hour. The required resources for each task such as materials, equipment and manpower are also incorporated into this schedule road map. This provides subcontractors and suppliers a clear vision of the work to be completed within the allotted time frame. In addition, we start each workday with a “Daily Huddle” providing each crew member a clear understanding of his/her responsibilities and how it effects the overall schedule.
With this collaborative style of management in place, our supervisors can easily recognize any concerns or issues with the schedule, and immediately add resources to ensure the project does not fall behind. All of this communication is then relayed back to the Master Schedule. This is just one way that Engelberth Construction maximizes our workflow and processes, saving our clients both time and money.